Your Choice
Marienau is the right choice for students who are curious, have the right social skills and if possible have a letter of recommendation for a grammar school. We are the right choice for parents who are looking for a stimulating environment for their child and take their abilities and interests seriously.
The extensive forest and parkland and the buildings with their different designs makes Marienau unique and is a part of our educational philosophy.
Our Values
We are convinced that education can only be successful by treating each other with respect and parents are our partners-of-trust in this approach. We work in small study groups, use educational freedom to achieve effective learning and through support beyond the classroom we achieve sustainable learning success.
One of our strengths is that staff identify with Marienau and stay here for so many years, lending stability and dependability to the day school and boarding school.
Marienau School is a remarkable place in which to study, live and work. The special atmosphere makes coming to school and living here a defining experience for our children and young people.
Changing schools, especially to a boarding school, is a challenge for you and for your children and one which needs careful thought. We recommend coming to our information days and that you read about Marienau and talk to people where possible. We will of course help you in your decision making by talking to you about all the opportunities Marienau can offer as a day and boarding school. Then you will be better able to imagine your daughter or son living and studying here.
Make an appointment to come and see us so we can get to know you and your child better. We’ll take you on a tour of the school so you can get an insight into life here, speak to other students and staff and gather as much information as possible on which to base your decision.
Information on application
For students who would like to transfer from primary school to Marienau as a secondary school in the summer or who are in Year 6, there is the new WHOLE DAY SCHOOL CONCEPT. Read more about it here! (in German)
On February 8th at 2 p.m., we are offering an information event aimed specifically at prospective fifth graders. This will allow you as a family to find out about Marienau as a secondary school at an early stage.
If you are considering Marienau School, please make an appointment to meet us in person during the current term from December 2024 via our office 05851 - 941 33. Marianne Kretschmer is the contact person for all day and all-day pupils from the region, Lars Humrich and Sabrina Panning-Ternes for boarding school pupils from all over Germany. International students are welcome to contact Rana Raslan-Alaoui.
NOTE: The application deadline for scholarship applications for day boarders in Year 5 is 15 March 2025, with feedback on admission being given at the beginning of April 2025.
Info day for the upper school: February 8th at 2 pm
It is possible to start either at the beginning of year 11 (introductory phase) or at the beginning of year 12 (qualification phase). You can choose a subject online on our website in advance to get an overview of the specialisations in the sixth form. If you have any questions, please contact the secretary's office (05851-941 33) or our sixth form coordinator Kerrin Devos.
Our secretary's office will be happy to accept your registration.
Please contact our office to arrange an appointment for an individual discussion. Special attention should be paid to the sequence of foreign languages, a change from a G8 school or curricular differences when moving from another federal state. We are happy to discuss all these aspects together. Please also read our information on scholarship applications.
Our office will be happy to advise you on this on 05851 - 941 33 or you can send us an email to

Marienau is an independent school supported by the not-for-profit Governing Body of Marienau School (e.V.).
As a private school and charity, the school overwhelmingly receives its income from parental contributions and to a lesser extent, support from the regional government of Lower Saxony. The governing body sets the fees every year and, irrespective of summer holidays and Abitur, they apply to the year beginning on the 1st August and ending on the 31st July every year. A summary of costs and contributions is available for you to download.
In order for us to be able to offer students a place at Marienau School in the future, as an independent school we rely on support from friends and patrons. Which scholarships the school is able to provide are included in the section on Scholarships. All donations to Marienau School are eligible for tax relief and a certificate of donation will be issued. You can read more about how you can support Marienau in the section Support Marienau.
We are in the fortunate position to grant scholarships because of the support from former students. The Marienau Foundation and the Former Students’ Association ensure we can support even more students alongside the merit-based scholarships from the school.
In particularly justified individual cases and where there is financial necessity, Marienau grants reductions to its normal fees dependent on income. These discounts must be applied for. Marienau School is recognised as an independent youth welfare organisation according to German law and works in co-operation with local social services. School Psychologist Markus Panning can help you with more details on this topic.
We support dedicated and gifted and talented students with merit-based scholarships. The full scholarship programme “Marienau - Gifted and Talented” is focussed on Year 4 students who come to Marienau in Year 5.
Gifted and dedicated students enrich a school. They are a spur for their fellow pupils and are the high achievers of our society. In order to support them, every year Marienau School grants merit-based scholarships to both day and boarding students in all years.
For these scholarships, interested parties who demonstrate good and very good academic performance can apply. These students may also stand out because of their initiative and involvement in the social, musical, art, sport, political or scientific arenas.
For any further information on the topics of scholarships, support and discounts, the school leadership team will be pleased to answer your questions. The application forms for scholarships are available on the download section.
This is an offer for lower-school students for Years 5 and 6. At the start of the year, the school grants full scholarships for day students who are new in Year 5. The scholarship is aimed at those Year 4 students from primary schools in the areas of Lüneburg, Lüchow-Dannenberg and the northern part of Uelzen who are academically gifted and talented and those who are involved in extra-curricular activities. For the conditions attached to this offer and the application process, please download the relevant documents.
International Students In Marienau Are A Part Of The School And Boarding School Community.
The move to Marienau is a little bit more challenging for students from abroad than it is for students from within Germany. That’s why we have an International Team at Marienau which concerns itself with the concerns and interests of the international students. Rana Raslan leads the team and co-ordinates the admissions of students from abroad.
Since it’s not always possible to meet interested parties at Marienau, Rana Raslan holds interviews with potential students online. That way she gets to know them in advance and in combination with their application forms and documents, she can get an idea of their language level. We also work closely with placement agencies in the local area who assist us in the selection process. This is how we establish whether Marienau is the right fit for interested families.
The Deutsche Schule in Mexico City has been our partner for several years and in Autumn every year Rana Raslan and Spanish teacher Inés Mercado fly out there to represent the school at information evenings at their three sites in Mexico City. They do presentations on the philosophy of the school and the work of the International Team and later they answer any questions about boarding school life at Marienau in face-to-face meetings with prospective students and parents. Students from Colegio Aleman Alexander Humboldt can read more information here.
The International Team advises and supports families through the whole process: visa, conditions of stay and entry to Germany, additional classes in German as a Foreign Language (DaF), supervision of the students on long weekends and the short holidays, health insurance etc.
There is more information in the section Cross-cultural Life.